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500 Tokens
Want to sext me, put in requests for shows, or get to know me really personally? Purchase my phone number! You will have it for life and I definitely communicate through text almost as much as I do through snapchat! I will be available to text/call whenever I am not already engaged in something at that time. I will let you know when I am at work, running errands, or anything like that, otherwise we can be text buddies pretty much all day if you want! For phone calls I'd very much prefer if you set up a time to call and I do not do phone sex so please don't ask^-^ The vast majority of my phone number rules are the exact same as my snapchat rules, so read those if you want the basic gist of the rules. I will not send as many pics through text and I will not send any videos, those are for my snapchat or to be purchased here. If you have any specific questions, feel free to mfc mail me, or ask after you've purchased!!