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covboyjoe asked about 4 years ago:
I understand your attention costs money,but you can also answer my message,I didn't ask much)
hunny_bunny25 answered about 4 years ago:
hey, yes I have the messages but if you want we can communicate it's whatsapp 
STArpowerismf asked over 5 years ago:
to be in the clubs does the tip have to be all at once?
hunny_bunny25 answered over 5 years ago:
yes, tip has to be all at once
Hooterspotter asked almost 6 years ago:
Do you use a tanning bed or something to give you a the appearance of a tan? .
hunny_bunny25 answered over 5 years ago:
no... I don't use
topcat910 asked almost 6 years ago:
what kind of tequila should i get for shots next week?
hunny_bunny25 answered almost 6 years ago:
Patrón tequila bottle :yeyes

pogchampguy asked almost 6 years ago:
Can we get something else instead of snapchat? I mean since your phone is broken duhh we cant use the benefits of it. I mean We get another video for free, or somekind of discount...until your snap is fixed..if its gonna be fixed. Ty. ♥
hunny_bunny25 answered almost 6 years ago:
hey sorry no , i will have new phone next week , for custom video is 1000 tokens , kisses and hugs