My mom is the absolute best. She never asks for anything. I mean NEVER asks for anything. My mom was an awesome stay at home mom. She makes an honest living now that her kids are grown. She lives very small, she gets by. She has ALWAYS wanted a little tiny house. She currently lives in an apartment. The tiny home plans I have found cost around $20-$40,000. I already have some of the money saved up. I have been working really hard! I just need to be able to make a down payment & we are good to go. EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS. Words cannot describe how awesome my mom is. She even knows I cam & she is supportive. She is the best. She deserves a fucking WIN in life. Thanks for reading & helping! Love! :)
Oct 07, 2020
Token Goal
m0use_ 15028 Tokens
OhMyGuard 2000 Tokens
kevinc0 1050 Tokens
woely01 1000 Tokens
DrCoolRae 400 Tokens
Eagles777 400 Tokens
Rigger 111 Tokens
I_Poop_tokens 101 Tokens
mellowrhythms 100 Tokens
DrBatman4life 100 Tokens
awsomehat 10 Tokens