In case you are new or have been living in a cave ... I bought my home 6 years ago and it has been problematic since the start. I bought it cheap and close to my grandparents so I could help out with my younger siblings. They are grown up and my neighborhood has gotten REALLY scary. I went on vacation , came home to homeless people living in the yard behind my house. I am selling my home but first I need to secure a new place to live. I am looking into homes in another city halfway between my dad and my grandparents. Because of my fibromyalgia I will need to hire movers. This goal helps pay for movers , first , last , pet deposit and pizza. 22,726 Single Tip towards this goal gets you : *King Status (highest tipper ever in the history of Sarahness) * *Insta death* *TEARS OF JOY* *1 hour Skype (or whatever works for you) date *2 custom vids in current home!* (up to 20 mins long, can use name , not to be resold) *2 Custom photo sets * *Eclusive VID* *Exclusive 20k Club access (content , snap stuff etc..) *Hand written thank you letter can be sent to physical address or written , uploaded and emailed.* *Free club shows for a year* *Snap adventure for when I move* 10,000 Single Tip towards this goal gets you *TEARS OF JOY!* * Custom vid * *Custom photo set* *Exclusive Vid * 5000 Single Tip towards this goal gets you ALL of the things *Custom vid* *Custom photo set* *Exclusive Vid* 2500 Single Tip towards this goal gets you : *Custom vid* *Exclusive Vid * 1875 Single Tip towards this goal get you : *Exclusive Vid* *Photoset* 1000 Single Tip towards this goal gets you *Exclusive Vid*
May 01, 2022
Token Goal
All 211 Albums contribute to this Goal.
Sarah_Stark 18989 Tokens
Daddy_Stark 15899 Tokens
Anonymous 13517 Tokens
Gearjammer55 11378 Tokens
jettec757 11300 Tokens
Erik____ 9893 Tokens
scoutdylan149 4149 Tokens
slide1031 3396 Tokens
nobodynohow 3148 Tokens
SecretsKnight 3048 Tokens
Getit2234 2747 Tokens
neverbender 2596 Tokens
xmuhmymiox 2344 Tokens
Anonymous 2100 Tokens
Anonymous 2000 Tokens
Stp1993 1799 Tokens
vagitarian20 1795 Tokens
sheperdboy 1646 Tokens
just_steve__ 1599 Tokens
Musclecar124 1599 Tokens
Dubss35 1499 Tokens
ToPmpChump69 1400 Tokens
Jmt2001 1399 Tokens
TheMason1995 1349 Tokens
Spoonyluv913 1347 Tokens
ZaqAttaq 1248 Tokens
robot23 1200 Tokens
huggybear153 1198 Tokens
Dmaan19 1198 Tokens
ChoiceToMake 1147 Tokens
Anonymous 1098 Tokens
Anonymous 999 Tokens
perk4455 999 Tokens
Socarino 998 Tokens
willieslick__ 997 Tokens
Andee22 900 Tokens
McPiMP303 900 Tokens
Dr33ma89 899 Tokens
AustinDrive 899 Tokens
Josherzzz 898 Tokens
james979jpl1 898 Tokens
lov3rb01 800 Tokens
sniperboy217 799 Tokens
Anonymous 799 Tokens
iallovegasi 799 Tokens
ABs_Turtle 798 Tokens
bewilder80 749 Tokens
ThePin93 699 Tokens
Andrew29929 699 Tokens
DaddyFranc 699 Tokens
knottyphoton 699 Tokens
robbrobb 698 Tokens
crossada 649 Tokens
TwosznzAlex 600 Tokens
jbatac 599 Tokens
d3adtwist 599 Tokens
TankSoro 599 Tokens
SoloMan69u 598 Tokens
Oldskool 550 Tokens
Iamnobodie 550 Tokens
Carlsbad_Jr 550 Tokens
Stellarz75009 500 Tokens
macot592 500 Tokens
Thejackson_ 500 Tokens
Jack198134 500 Tokens
NapoleanBon 500 Tokens
slimreapr_25 500 Tokens
KittensLore 500 Tokens
homydontplay 499 Tokens
Taquache 499 Tokens
dcltalk 499 Tokens
johnia32 499 Tokens
cfw2228 498 Tokens
Surfytime 498 Tokens
bladeCT 498 Tokens
SybariteG 498 Tokens
biff02 449 Tokens
aussieguydu 400 Tokens
parsian1 400 Tokens
QuinnKing45 400 Tokens
dva_fan 399 Tokens
Doompatrol23 399 Tokens
RTR87 399 Tokens
DrTVenture 399 Tokens
walkingdoun 399 Tokens
CharlieP 399 Tokens
frenchpantie123 399 Tokens