It just so happens that you see me either in poor quality from a laptop or not in very good quality and in a strange format from a phone. I really want you to see me as well as if you were standing next to me
Token Goal
All 2 Albums and 2 Polls contribute to this Goal.
tmonks9954 Foot Fetish and legs in stockings 99 Tokens
Diessell Just me and my life 15 Tokens
Dopobachenya Cam to see me good 15 Tokens
FantaZer0 Just me and my life 15 Tokens
Anonymous Just me and my life 15 Tokens
Shyster_ Just me and my life 15 Tokens
Grumpy_rabbit With or without a mask? 11 Tokens
exasol Cam to see me good 8 Tokens
exasol Via phone or laptop? 5 Tokens
Grumpy_rabbit Via phone or laptop? 5 Tokens