Hey everyone! I am in need of a new computer!! I have one currently, but the fan on it is broken so I can’t even turn it on for more than ten minutes without it overheating on me & shutting down. So as you can see that makes it very hard to do shows & be online & spend time with you guys! Anything helps!! The sooner we reach the goal the sooner I can be back here with you guys!! Thank you for the love & support I have had on here thus far!!! Kisses from blondie :* P.S (also not completely sure how the tokens equal out to real money so if I have the goal set to high, I apologize about that! But if it is to low & you want to shoot me a message on how much I should set it for that would be great!!)
Jun 03, 2019
Token Goal
All 3 Albums contribute to this Goal.