Look for the bare necessities the simple bare necessities, forget about your worries and your strife!!! quote ''Jungle book' lol You know every month i do a lot of stuff for you to see me as my best self! So let's keep it on! 1st winner will get a private adventure with your most beautiful girl! 2nd will get a free album of his choice! 3rd will get my last recording of when the goal is finished! Everyone who tips at least 500 will get to be in my next boobs club! (or have the recording if offline when i do it) Everyone who tips at least 2000 will get to be in my Halloween Naked Club( With Kristen) and have the recording to save <3
Oct 06, 2023
Nov 01, 2023
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Nov 01, 2023.
You can send BlueeeS a Share Tip!
All 20 Albums, 41 Recordings, 5 Collections, 21 Items, 28 Clubs, 8 Polls, and 13 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
A_Free_Birdy 8478 Tokens
CriptoBlueees 6922 Tokens
smizz200 5660 Tokens
Bigbadjohnn 3075 Tokens
MoFkerJones 2905 Tokens
User3421 1898 Tokens
krazylarry 1743 Tokens
TrueBlueees 1500 Tokens
tudor21 1300 Tokens
TheShadowCast 875 Tokens
Anonymous 666 Tokens
soullesswhore 550 Tokens
fras94 461 Tokens
JacoSuave30 401 Tokens
itsjustmex 400 Tokens
JakeSmallP4U 318 Tokens
adamsboobs 300 Tokens
unpredictab1e 200 Tokens
damauz 200 Tokens
TheDude1969 119 Tokens
BobHope303 100 Tokens
donniedorn54 100 Tokens
Netflix_ 80 Tokens
DavidM_ 78 Tokens
cj2331jo 77 Tokens
SmileyCanada 65 Tokens