Burlesque! Exotic! Erotic! Provocative! Scantily dressed women with insinuating sensuality. Bawdy women busting out of their bustiers. The ladies of burlesque were raunchy comedians and dancers with a twist, always with the earth-shattering, heart racing anticipation from the audience for just the glimpse of bare flesh. In the dictionary, burlesque is defined as a performance art that, to get a laugh from the audience, becomes vulgar, or offensive of upper class arrogance. Let me take you to Burlesque world. Help me make an amazing show I want to express my gratitude and appreciation to everyone for your help and support! - 1100 tokens or more before the show and you will get the videos You won’t be disappointed, let’s have fun together!!! If you have any questions you can ask me on the public chat
Dec 22, 2021
Jan 07, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Jan 07, 2022.
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All 290 Albums, 19 Items, 13 Clubs, and 3 Polls contribute to this Goal.
Bugsy_San 19587 Tokens
DouggyIIII 11029 Tokens
NicsTedde 7264 Tokens
bodiddle2 6913 Tokens
TrueN_SLAVE 2101 Tokens
Burikdot84 1847 Tokens
khbruin 1464 Tokens
TheForeverMan 150 Tokens
visele_tale 100 Tokens
HBK12347 60 Tokens