Getting in my car accident racked up a ton of bills and IT WASN'T EVEN MY FAULT! I'm starting this goal to help pay for the fuck ton of bills that I have and hopefully some of you can help since they helped keep me healthy and happy! *backstory* In August of 2018 I was thrown off of the back of a moving vehicle. I was not supposed to be riding on the car I was just hanging out in line for a music festival. The guy had moved up in line once and I was ok because he did it very slow. Then, he waited till the cars cleared out and floored it, sending me off the back. I busted my head open, had horrible road rash, and fractured my tailbone. Shortly after my accident I lost my sense of smell and still don't know if it will return. This accident was a hit and run as the guy dipped as soon as I fell off the car. Any and all help for this goal is much appreciated and the highest tipper by the end of the goal gets a SHIT TON of content!! PLUS a 1 hour online dinner date! What's better than that???
Token Goal