Until the night of Halloween I will not unveil the theme of this new Aerial Show...some of the acrobatics I have tried and you have seen...and some of the new things I have never even tried before. It will be exciting...surprising...and most certainly exhilarating... Join me in this new experience of flight, fun and daring acts. "The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." Douglas Adams *I will create a video for this show which will go on sale for 900 tokens after the show. **I will also have a Photogallery which will go on sale after the show for 500 tokens. ***All contributors of 500 tokens or more before the show will get this video for free. ****All contributors of 800 tokens or more before the show will get both the video and the gallery for free.
Token Goal
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All 7 Polls and 4 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.