Travel expenses for my 10 day July trip! ☆ Flights there & back ☆ Airbnb was the most expensive little over (3k) ☆ Ubers when I arrive - leave + traveling while there! ☆ spending money for shopping + any outings ALL Contributors of 500+ will get my travel snapchat story! 🩷✨️ **Have to be on my snapchat ** Contributors of 1000+ will get ONE of the photoshoots! I'm thinking in the shower or Balcony which is facing the city 👀
May 02, 2024
Jun 30, 2024
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Jun 30, 2024.
You can send KatherineCox a Share Tip!
All 10 Clubs contribute to this Goal.
Epsylen 4115 Tokens
gwbricks 4109 Tokens
maste6892 2062 Tokens
jay854 1005 Tokens
Calicatman 999 Tokens
monkeydjh_YVK 999 Tokens
Anonymous 555 Tokens
ophironysss 555 Tokens
pjhons 555 Tokens
pap3rr 555 Tokens
AmznAznguy 555 Tokens
Anonymous 555 Tokens
Anonymous 555 Tokens
YamiKNo 555 Tokens
MachoHard 555 Tokens
HunterZer0 555 Tokens
CTFire8inch 555 Tokens
t_thunders02 555 Tokens
Bregbreg1104 555 Tokens
One2threeQ 555 Tokens
rxram03isback 555 Tokens
Anonymous 500 Tokens
Anonymous 333 Tokens
Jason555 238 Tokens
Best_at_it_ 200 Tokens
Hcreedmoor 200 Tokens
NatsWazGod 200 Tokens
Tazmania 150 Tokens
internethuman 150 Tokens