Hello my lovely friends and fans, It's been a year now since I got my braces, and my oral care routine has become such a vital part of my daily life. I'm hoping to upgrade my Sonicare electronic toothbrush as this new model comes with many additional functions to keep my teeth and oral hygiene in tip top condition 😁✨ Please help me stay cavity free 😂 Tip towards this goal if you love my smile 💕 Thank you so much for your continued support. YOU are the reason I can smile big everyday 🌈
Apr 09, 2022
Apr 22, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Apr 22, 2022.
You can send lea_amano a Share Tip!
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All 52 Albums, 148 Recordings, 3 Collections, 5 Items, 21 Clubs, and 11 Polls contribute to this Goal.
RyotaK 2400 Tokens
cockadoodlea 1950 Tokens
Mik3647 700 Tokens
Buckie254 300 Tokens
muddercup 300 Tokens
GoodData 200 Tokens
Traveling2018 200 Tokens
MayoMonster 200 Tokens
Enzee 200 Tokens
Anonymous 200 Tokens
krisT111 200 Tokens
Anonymous 100 Tokens
DrumRun 50 Tokens