OK guys so this is definetly the last food goal, unless you want to see a huge fat piggy instead of me looool! Well I must admit I kinda started to like the food goals, they are fun and also I am getting treats, sooooooo I love it! (I also like to pretend I am being forced to eat this food since the goal was reached and I have no other choice, buuuuut in real I kinda crave for it and can t wait for the goal to be done - but shhhhhh don t tell, cuz i m supposed to be on a diet in order to stay skinny :hide :blink). So here is the hot dog goal, if I haven t eaten a hamburger for more than a year and a half, than I haven t eatem a hot dog for probably about 4 years lol, so that`s why I am so excited about it! I must say this goal does not count to the room topic but I want to thank you in advance for this yummy yummy treats you offer to me every time and also for spoiling this lady all the time! Love y`all big time and you know it! Yours, Lex!
Token Goal