Hello my dear ones! And HELLO 2024! Woohoo! This is the first year and the first week of 2024 and this is my first goal of 2024!!! When the goal is done, I will spoil myself a little and buy some cosmetic products that I need and also some clothes because there are discounts in the shops and I do like a good bargain (lady be like). But the main reason for this goal is to offer you MY VERY FIRST VIDEO OF 2024! This video will be a really sexy pussy close-up with me cumming and squirt really explosive in the most sexy way possible! So for everyone who will contribute to my first goal of the year with minimum 499 tokies (it doesn t have to be all at once), I will send you the VERY FIRST VIDEO OF 2024! As an extra, you will also get a really sexy set of 10 pictures with me as a little surprise among the video hihi! Yep you guessed, I m always full of surprises, but only good ones! And I got more! All my albums and collection will add to this goal so please feel free to purchase anything you wish from my MFC Share, it will add to the goal and you will still receive the video and the pics! (if the purchase is minimum 499 tokies), but the goal will not count to the room topic. I know, when I am excited I talk too much so you are probably bored of all that novel that I just wrote, but I tell you one last thing :I fucking love y`all!!! Yours, Lex!
Token Goal
All 69 Albums and 5 Collections contribute to this Goal.