im going to celebrate my 30th bday in French, its gonna be a great auto trip trough the whole Europe. Poland, Germany, French, Czech and maybe Spain. last year I did the same trip and that was amazing, I didn't finish it how I wanted tho, but this year I will, im sure. Support my trip with this goal, cause im gonna be away for 1 month, will try to join mfc in the hotel rooms and make custom videos for you. Don't forget my snapchat, you know how much I like posting there. Im traveling alone, by car, so I hope meet new friends during the journey. Thank you all for support, love ya 💕
Jun 12, 2024
Aug 15, 2024
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Aug 15, 2024.
You can send swtAlterEgo a Share Tip!
The following 3 Items, 4 Clubs, and 2 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal:
EgosSmile 11113 Tokens
Anonymous 9839 Tokens
PapaBear416 2444 Tokens
JustCarlos 2377 Tokens
will1820 2300 Tokens
FuknGentleman 300 Tokens
edwardkow 300 Tokens
Girl_so_fine 172 Tokens
Tommybond2 154 Tokens
NoWay2Pay 127 Tokens
skissors 100 Tokens
Anonymous 88 Tokens
Robert_98 88 Tokens
RiciTicki50 20 Tokens
Kcmokermit817 7 Tokens
tiger4508 7 Tokens
ghoSt_iceG 7 Tokens
senjutaurus 7 Tokens