I don't have a mommy and daddy to pay for my college and my financial aid isn't coming through due to being under 24 with no parents to sign. I'm living on my own and moving to a new town where I won't be able to hold down a full-time job due to my curriculum. I appreciate all of your help to get my B.S. in Psychology and pursue a career in sex & relationship therapy and men's mental health.
Aug 29, 2023
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Aug 29, 2023.
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MammothMan34 300 Tokens
MammothMan34 What color should I dye my hair next? 10 Tokens
JuanSoloDolo 300 Tokens
Demential College fund! 100 Tokens
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Demential Coffee 50 Tokens
lollipoptatt 200 Tokens
Anonymous 275 Tokens
Rahxa 100 Tokens
Rahxa 300 Tokens
Moore_sun 200 Tokens
ldp996 200 Tokens
Jaffadecker 200 Tokens
Anonymous Tits, Ass, and Panties! 30 Tokens
Anonymous 100 Tokens