Summer is here! Woohoo! I managed to get some tanlines so far, but you all know that when it comes to tanlines is never enough! So this goal is for me getting more tanlines this summer, maybe for few days escape to the seaside beach, or maybe a couple of visits to the pool, eitherhow I will get my sexy body tanned for you guys! And just to proove I love you guys, I will offer my new sexy tanlines video to everyone who help me out with this goal by tipping minimum 499 tks for it! The video will be a cum show of course, and it will be incredible hot, and will be filmed after I will get more tanned! I must also mention than the goal does not counts toward the topics in the room! I am so excited for this and I want to thank you all in advance for it! Happy Summer my dear ones! With love, Lex!
Jul 07, 2023
Token Goal