Hey everyone, so I bought my first car two years ago. I did not know that you were supposed to haggle with the salesmen and ended paying waaaay to much for my car loan. Paying this monthly payment definitely gets hard sometimes to keep up with. Any help would be appreciated (: My dream for a while has been to get a van and travel, and although it has come true and I do have this marvelous van to travel in, paying these car payments every month does limit the amount I can actually travel with it. Help me make some beautiful pornos in the gorgeous atheistic scenery of nature, by having the flexibility to travel more! Thank you so much, sending love to all you beautiful beings. Kisses, Zen. Xoxo
Apr 04, 2020
Jun 10, 2021
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Jun 10, 2021.
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Anonymous 1085 Tokens
PhFnpZN9a 50 Tokens