Some people strive for the hottest new car, others can't wait to get married in a luxury ceremony, or to have children and raise them with everything they didn't have growing up. What do I dream about? Owning the perfect house and making it into my ideal home. I research listings in my spare time and look up, for example, the perfect bathtub I'm going to get in at the end of the day and relax my tired muscles. I think about the beautiful fireplace in the comfy living room, an open floor plan with a big kitchen, large rooms, and enough storage space. Plus a beautifully landscaped backyard that I recharge in on a nice chaise and maybe with a cup of tea (having a pool is still undecided). Since the month I turned 18, I've been renting a variety of different houses and that's made me realize exactly what I do and don't want. But also that I've been basically throwing away so much money that could have been paying down a mortgage. Owning my own home will make me feel more secure and I can't wait until it happens.
Everything contributed here will be placed in a separate savings account which will help pay for the down payment when I purchase my very first home. As a token of my appreciation, the highest tip I receive towards this goal will get a very special secret prize to show how much it means to me that you're helping to make my biggest and most important dream come true as well as a house tour video, skype, or FaceTime. Everyone who contributes at least 1,000 tokens on this page, will be sent the first 3 videos I shoot in my new house as well as a naked photo set.
This means SO much to me, I really hope we can make it happen.
All my love,
Token Goal