To all the girls and guys out there who have supported me in my first 3 shows, thank you so much. I cannot believe your kind words and support of me in this quick journey; I am so thank you and appreciative. Since you have been so good to me, I want to try to give you a better viewer experience so we can enjoy each other even more. So I thought a microphone would be a good start so that you can hear me more clearly, my music, my "innocent moans, whimpers, 'juice' noises and breathing" (as I was informed in my first Club Show, supposedly is very erotic 😊😊). I am just being me, so I know no differently. With love, Bridget
Nov 20, 2021
Dec 03, 2021
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Dec 03, 2021.
You can send Bridgetxoxo1 a Share Tip!
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All 1 Album, 4 Recordings, 4 Clubs, and 1 Tipmenu contribute to this Goal.
Contributor 1 1432 Tokens
Contributor 2 153 Tokens
Contributor 3 23 Tokens