So just got the call. My Dad needs heart surgery and I 100% need to be home for this. He's had a few -not so- minor heart attacks but the dye test came back and says surgery is in his best interest. By pass surgery can be risky business and this is not something I can sit through idle, provinces away. This goal will hopefully cover: Plane ticket Marshmellows dog sitter cost Rental vehicle AND some of my usual set aside for bills and rent -- OTHER METHODS ARE AVAILABLE ********UPDATE********** THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR MAKING THIS HAPPEN. I appreciate each and every one of you who were in a place to be able to help - or planned on it and are now seeing we're at 100% lol. I got a rather large contribution the evening I launched this goal, tying this particular goal up VERY fast. It makes my heart happy knowing that family is so important to all of you also (or at least understanding how much it means to me and are willing to help me when I need it the most.) You are all magnificent people, I will get to be there before, during and after surgery. Miss Marshmellow will be staying with her favourite dog sitter and going on adventures daily while I'm gone. Plane ticket is booked, as is a vehicle. I am stressed af BUT thanks to you guys it wont be financially, I will be able to put my focus where it needs to be, so thank you.. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU.. I fucking can't thank you guys enough.
Token Goal