Guyyyyyys I have a really big ask , this is a desire of mine since I was like 17 , I want to own this super beautiful jacket. I dreamed of owning it since I was tiny , help me fulfil this long time dream. Please make you special girl happy , if you do , top 3 highest supports will 1st get a private with me wearing jacket(i mean til im not wearing it lol) , I promise will be hot Then the next 2 highest people to help with the goal will get 5 sexy pictures of me in this jacket. Anyone who contributes to the goal will get a very special discount code that will give them exclusive access to my new sexy lingerie album minimum tip will be 500 tokens , you unlock a 50 % discount. Please make me the happiest girl , I don't ask for much , but this is one of my biggest ever wishes. Please please please , make me so so so happy and grateful. Thank you for all support!!!!
Sep 24, 2023
Oct 05, 2023
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Oct 05, 2023.
You can send BlueeeS a Share Tip!
All 20 Albums, 41 Recordings, 5 Collections, 21 Items, 28 Clubs, 8 Polls, and 13 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
CriptoBlueees 9062 Tokens
User3421 8402 Tokens
unpredictab1e 2632 Tokens
MoFkerJones 1884 Tokens
A_Free_Birdy 1119 Tokens
krazylarry 1032 Tokens
Iwannapony 800 Tokens
greenhumping 600 Tokens
mik696969 526 Tokens
itsjustmex 400 Tokens
cj2331jo 239 Tokens
JakeSmallP4U 129 Tokens
fras94 103 Tokens
TommyPants 80 Tokens
ACYeti 77 Tokens
ericforyou 75 Tokens
Superfly_Xp 17 Tokens
TheDude1969 1 Tokens