I truly thank each and every viewer who has come to my room, emailed me, tipped me, or visited my Share page. I am loving this journey even though it has only been 3 days now. Thank you so much. I want to show you how much I appreciate you gals and guys by purchasing some Lounge Underwear to wear on cam. I was sent this picture by a member who suggested it for me, and I fell in love with this instantly. It is my hope I can achieve this goal by early December so I can wear this set to a work Christmas party and then straight home to you and show it off to you, my loyal viewers. No one at work is worthy of seeing this on me. Thank you again for everything, Bridget
Nov 19, 2021
Dec 17, 2021
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Dec 17, 2021.
You can send Bridgetxoxo1 a Share Tip!
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All 1 Album, 4 Recordings, 4 Clubs, and 1 Tipmenu contribute to this Goal.
Contributor 1 424 Tokens
Contributor 2 376 Tokens
Contributor 3 89 Tokens
Contributor 4 76 Tokens
Contributor 5 35 Tokens
Contributor 6 25 Tokens
Contributor 7 23 Tokens
Contributor 8 17 Tokens