monthly catamine booster: this booster is vital to my existence..i have been doing therapy for 5 years now. i am a manic depressive (bipolar) with crippling depression, anxiety disorder, with a heavy hand of PTSD... while that's a fun lil mix and all, i needed help.. like real help.. i found a experimental treatment in Colorado and never looked back. this treatment saved my life. completely cleared away all feelings of depression, I proudly have not had a panic attack in over a year.. i went from complete isolation to wanting to want again... wanting to live again. so that's what I'm doing. i was able to get off most the medications i was on that were weighing me down. this monthly infusion helps drastically
Nov 15, 2023
Dec 01, 2023
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Dec 01, 2023.
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All 9 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
biopolarbrad 719 Tokens
LucienLux 369 Tokens
Jollytime 360 Tokens
Elfastball7 219 Tokens
EyeFuckU 200 Tokens
dawgfan9029 180 Tokens
redbirds22 148 Tokens
FunBagFondler 119 Tokens
kingyyca 111 Tokens
Benjamin427 110 Tokens
Nick851 101 Tokens
dingusdude1 80 Tokens
Donesammy 79 Tokens
PizzaJames69 69 Tokens
trip2013 59 Tokens
BahlockA 50 Tokens
spermjam 50 Tokens
bhr23 50 Tokens
guize 49 Tokens
clitdick3 20 Tokens
pokertaco 10 Tokens
BigRedJimbro 10 Tokens
MyNameRichard 1 Tokens