I cannot believe how generous you guys and girls have been to me! Thank you so much! 1. Hitachi 2. New sheets 3. New table top to cam from 4. It is time for some new lingerie and some new panties for camming and for offline wear! Here is a little secret, I get so wet, it is embarrassing, when I wear cute, sexy, and flirty lingerie or panties under my clothes. No one knows what is under it except for me. Such a turn on for me! Please let me know if there is a certain color, fabric, style, or shop you would like me to look into. I am already starting to feel HER tingle as I write this. With love, Poppy
Jun 08, 2020
Jun 29, 2020
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Jun 29, 2020.
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All 7 Albums, 4 Items, and 3 Clubs contribute to this Goal.
Zebra03 30 Tokens
AAAAAGHHHH117 PoppyQueen's Club Show Lounge 100 Tokens
ClamDinner 10 Tokens
AAAAAGHHHH117 40 Tokens
AAAAAGHHHH117 105 Tokens
AAAAAGHHHH117 55 Tokens
AAAAAGHHHH117 15 Tokens
Anonymous 25 Tokens
Anonymous 40 Tokens