Oh, Florida. Here we go again! Iā€™ll be staying in my home in north FL while the hurricane Ian pays us a visit. So far the weather reports indicate it will be either CAT 2 or 3 when it touches Floridian land (cat, lol, meowšŸ±). Soā€¦ pretty strong start for the hurricane season if u ask me! Anyway, donā€™t panic. Iā€™m ok. Iā€™m used to the hurricane drill, so I know how to prepare myself. Shutting down the news (they only look to terrorize you sometimes), following the trusted weather apps, reports and meteorologists, buying enough supplies and, most importantly, staying calm. My new mantra is ā€œBetter safe than sorry and better calmed than panicked!ā€ I will use the money donated on this goal to equip myself and my home with food, water, window covers, sand bags and such necessities. Iā€™m also forecasting in case we end up without running water and/or electricity for a few days. So, this money could also potentially help in case I canā€™t stream/work for those few days. You can contribute by tipping for the items of my menus, the videos I offer on share or just by tipping directly on here. I appreciate this so so so so so much and I feel safer knowing I count on you! Love, Cata
Token Goal
All 3 Albums, 1 Recording, 1 Item, 2 Clubs, and 3 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
shy_guy_1964 153139 Tokens
daddy_project 67606 Tokens
masa47 1824 Tokens
TommyBottom 238 Tokens
bjh21 213 Tokens
mrfire01 169 Tokens
Mecam1975 144 Tokens
steven895 69 Tokens
mhgghost 21 Tokens
SubGregInNY 13 Tokens
JJ_Chipotle 11 Tokens
DirkDigglerUK 11 Tokens
pinkopal 8 Tokens