🍀💘 5,000$ 💘🍀 lovers, listeners and sugarsweets. ✨ if you have ever wondered my biggest dream then let me tell you a story, one involving me and my furgremlin Gizmo exploring new places, experiencing beautiful moments and taking all the opportunities life gifts us.. living and learning at state parks, volunteering with animal rehabilitation, practicing, creating, helping and being able to see it all passing from my own little home on wheels, allowing my cat to be safely along for the wild ride. have you ever watched youtube or TV channels about other people traveling and reviewing great nature spots, and more - well imagine that opportunity but with me naked infront of a waterfall, pleasuring myself by the beach of every coastline, cumming ontop of a mountain and so much more.. **** 🎈 ask me about what all I've done to prepare, the day dreams and loves I've conquered towards this aspiration of mine, the magic of my world. I do not rest easy living a life of basic comfort unfortunately, a life of routine. I crave movement, energy and much more than I can ever put into words.
Token Goal
All 3 Albums contribute to this Goal.