Kittens trynna go on a BEACH VACAY!! anyone who contributes will be spoiled in return!! I will be putting anyone who contributes 100 or more tokens directly to this goal gets into my BEACH BUMS CLUB for free as well you’ll get all the content i make while on vacation (bikini pics and strip videos, etc.) i will also be adding special sales on content during my vacay for anyone that contributes Please check below for a list of all things that count towards my Beach Getaway!! (hint: it’s all the clubs, club specific menus, and the appreciation menu)
Jul 28, 2022
Aug 19, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Aug 19, 2022.
You can send KalieKitten a Share Tip!
This Goal is not enabled.
All 17 Clubs, and the following 4 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal:
bigDADYtruckr 3141 Tokens
AverageHans 1130 Tokens
Jake8_ 900 Tokens
Bill_Dabs 643 Tokens
zilxyzzy 600 Tokens
bayguy03 520 Tokens
jimmber 232 Tokens
Dreaudant 200 Tokens
DrexllSpivey 195 Tokens
FVCKADAM 194 Tokens
KalieKitten 150 Tokens
SquirrelTime 140 Tokens
Forsytheh1 140 Tokens
Dialtone13013 123 Tokens
bosshoggtx84 108 Tokens
CileyMyruz 108 Tokens
AngelOfPleasr 100 Tokens
WTpaC 100 Tokens
JoeBC85 100 Tokens
MarkOfDetroit 100 Tokens
Workinmansp 100 Tokens
Sanbranann 96 Tokens
StevesMusic 82 Tokens
lurking1 65 Tokens
CheekyTie 65 Tokens
ZombBoy29 58 Tokens
ShyCEIguy 20 Tokens
Samuelgg4 20 Tokens
Everett555 15 Tokens
Cajunc0ck 8 Tokens