If youโ€™ve been in my room at all you probably know that 3 years ago I left my favourite city, in order to move back to the city I was born and raised in. However, since moving back it hasnโ€™t felt like home and I miss the other city so so much. I plan on moving back in November and nothing would make me happier than completing this goal to make the transition as stress free and seamless as possible. It will cover my first and last months rent and the moving truck. I canโ€™t wait to be back in the city where Iโ€™m my most inspired and happy self. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ Anyone who contributes to this goal is my king. ๐Ÿ‘‘
Aug 08, 2019
Oct 30, 2019
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Oct 30, 2019.
You can send Audreyy_Mae a Share Tip!
All 5 Items contribute to this Goal.
hollywood0777 550 Tokens
yatumah1 101 Tokens
Tex706 25 Tokens