Help me buy a brand new mattress! :3 When I first moved out for the first 3 years I slept on a futon, moved up to a mattress my friend let me have, then when I moved into my new home, bought another pre owned mattress & alas I hate it but it does the job lol. Its time for me to buy a mattress of my own, one that feels comfortable to me & brand new at that :3 Contribute 400 tokens or more to get a video I will make of me breaking in the mattress properly! *lewd* :p Whom ever is the higest tipper once this goal is reached will get a blanket that I will lay/roll/fap/burrito in while making the video!!! <3
Apr 04, 2019
Aug 30, 2019
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Aug 30, 2019.
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RunninRy 11600 Tokens
Dellium 7405 Tokens
Karuga 4199 Tokens
daxxxy 2070 Tokens
TrueX 1201 Tokens
kyle_vain 1075 Tokens
ghost_Hirrro 1000 Tokens
ArticRoze 1000 Tokens
PurpDrag 879 Tokens
MooseQuilts 842 Tokens
Anonymous 707 Tokens
BirdyTeddy 644 Tokens
MindOfJuan 604 Tokens
BadKender 543 Tokens
unknownasian 500 Tokens
HansnFranz 500 Tokens
H0bbes_ 482 Tokens
Kegal_The_Elf 450 Tokens
DragonslayerI 401 Tokens
ragemac 401 Tokens
Volt01 400 Tokens
ranger1266 400 Tokens
Breathofwild 400 Tokens
Syn_ba 400 Tokens
DyllDough 400 Tokens
Alteritus 400 Tokens
Longlostlove 400 Tokens
Beak3r 400 Tokens
Phillem 377 Tokens
green_thee 228 Tokens
James74086 180 Tokens
annie_oakly 107 Tokens
TheoGuderian 70 Tokens
I_Like_Rice 50 Tokens
m4keulaugh 48 Tokens
Brzman4 29 Tokens
Kougs 7 Tokens
TL447 7 Tokens
SorkenTheMeh 1 Tokens