You're looking for an assistant for your magician's act and I come into your office to interview with you. I'm not sure what to expect because I've never done this before. I ask what's expected of me and you tell me I'll have to be mesmerized. I'm completely new to that and I'm not sure if I can do it, so I agree to try. Very shortly after we begin, I nod off into total mesmerization. I now believe I'm at a beach for a swimsuit contest, in a hurry, I change into my sexy one piece white bathing suit and strike a few poses. As I'm doing that, I realize we're actually on a nude beach, so I strip naked and show off my body instead. It feels good to be on the beach, but I'm worried I might burn, so I need some sunscreen. I find the sunscreen "pump" (which is actually your dick) and start pumping it to get sunscreen out. It won't come out but eventually it squirts all over my chest. I rub it in and smile off into the distance. When I come back to, I'm clothed in your office and you tell me I got the job. I'm excited but confused and also ready to do the show with you tonight.
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