Angry Ex POPS Your Inflatable Balls

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8 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
Me, (Your Ex-Girlfriend!) am FURIOUS over finding out that the girls she expected you cheated on her with were actually INFLATABLE BEACH BALLS!? Blinded by anger, and with a key to your apartment, I decide to take some of the last things I left at your home..and take revenge. I put on my silver fingernail-needles and start slowly POPPING, defacing and deflating with my ass-each and every one of your precious "girlfriends." (BEACHBALLS!) You will come home to flat pvc pancakes, and a whole lot of tears!! Enjoy! #pvc #beachballs #b2p #blowtopop #blondebeachballs #poppingballs #poppingbeachballs #intex #intexballs #inflatables #inflatablefetish #inflatabletoy #mistreatedball #melodyhero #inflatableempress #inflatable #melodyheroinflatables #beachballsb2p #beachballs #balloons #baloonsb2p #bigball #inflatableball #melodypops #melodymorrison
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