Final Normal Hardon

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8 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
One day was the very last time you got hard to normal porn. Normal porn of women fucking, using toys, hell even a gangbang. There was one last boner you got from watching this kind of porn. Maybe you were mixing in regular porn with femdom stuff, but one day you put on a video of normal porn and you just couldn't get it up for it. That was the day you fell into place, where you were always meant to be. Might have taken you a while to get here, but you're here now. You're here in this world now. You have to thank me for this, you belong right here with me. No turning back. You are not going to try to stop. A loser like you doesn't know how to change. You fall right into this comfortable and cozy area. You are all settled in, so this is it for you!