I only enjoy the finest of anything, from the best grape reserve to the finest foods in the land, some call me mean, some cruel, but I'm the Queen of all you pathetic scum! you are the so-called ruler of the other land, and I will be using you, whatever I choose to do with you, you have just been locked in my dungeon, and are now brought before me, in and on your knees at my feet. I treat slaves such as you now, yes that's right you're my slave now, with utter disregard, in an inhuman and hateful way! My slaves live for rewards from me, and that isn't the reward that your think, their reward will be something much for enjoyable for me rather than them, you see my luxury, fullness and happiness is paramount in my slave's lives and even if I sentence them to a malevolent ending then it shall be, and you are my slave now and will adhere to all the slave rules I have. slaves bow before me, their heads to the floor, as they are just so distinguished to be around me and in my presence. you will accept me as your Goddess and ruler over your land, and you will be meeting a brutal ending...LONG LIVE PRINCESS GRACE... OFF WITH HIS HEAD!