Expanding Cheater

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12 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
You know I have been trying all kinds of creams and treatments to get bigger tits...but nothing works. I just want to be noticed, when i walk in the room for guys to turn and look at me! I know you love me just the way I am, but damn I do wish I had bigger tits. Oh you found something? A special oil perfume downtown? Well, I guess it's worth a shot. It smells fantastic! I put some on and tell you I am going out with the girls and will be staying at my friends house tonight. The next day I come home with BIGGER tits! This stuff really does work! Well I am late for work so I gotta head out! I come home from work, a bit depressed my tits didnt grow anymore, but I am very happy with how big they grew last night, lucky girl I am! I tell you the boss sprang a work thing on me and I will be out late tonight, and tell you not to wait up for me. I wake you up the next morning with BIGGER tits! They are massive! It must have been time delayed! I rave on about how wiht my first set of big tits last night the dinner went amazing, everyone treated me so well and I even got a free bottle of champagne! I am totlaly love the big tit life! Then I tell you lets have a quickie, I owe you a big thank you and its the least I can do. While we are fucking (POV) my tits start to hurt...then BAM right as you orgasm inside me my tits grow slightly larger! I am in shock...and you are grinning at me. I ask you whats on your mind. And you disclose to me that the serum only works when I have sex......and then...I try and make up excuses till its finally time I come clean...I have been cheating on you! You knew and thats why you got this serum to prove yourself right AND to get to enjoy me with GIANT TITS!