LIFE-CHANGING vol. 1 - A guide to confidence and positivity

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12 Minutes • 1080p
***THIS IS NOT PORN*** Do you struggle with low self-confidence or poor self-esteem? Do you feel hopeless or pessimistic about the future and your abilities? It doesn't have to be that way. This video gives instructions and a guided demonstration of how to begin to change your thought process. This video gives easy-to-follow advice on how to find your inner power. Please note that this video is the first of many, and contains some of the groundwork necessary for shifting your perceptions of self and the world around you. *** DISCLAIMER*** This video is not meant to offend anyone with chronic depression. When I say that happiness is possible, I mean that it is possible to be happier than you are now. Depression is a real medical condition that can't be cured by simply thinking positive thoughts. However, the effects of clinical depression can absolutely be lessened by positive thought, meditation, and increased self esteem. This video is meant to help empower those who lack confidence, and to re-inspire those who have lost hope.