Title: Magic of the Wand Unveiled | | Video Length: 13:42 | | Little witch Leila has a new wand for her new year at school, and it has some amazing magic inside! | | It's my final year at school, and this little witch has a new toy - um, I mean wand ;) While walking through the woods near the castle one day, I start to get turned on as my new wand calls out to me... I get cozy on a rock, then spread my stocking clad legs and start teasing my fuzzy student pussy. Next thing I know, I'm bent over with my skirt hiked up and my wand sliding into me! I move to a more private spot, lay back and pull my firm young titties out, then give in to the wand's magic. Enjoy bouncing tits, creamy smooth spread legs, and lots of HOT pussy penetration and closeups as I fuck myself with wild abandon, finally cumming in a crashing orgasm.
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