Weakening Music Takes Spy Down

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2 Minutes • 720p • Downloadable
Custom clip: You are a spy, sneakily walk into a room. Talk into your cell phone saying something about how you haven't found anything yet, but you'll call back and you'll be careful. Take a few steps and all of a sudden you hear strange music. You cover your ears and say something like "AAH! What is that?!" The music is giving you a headache and making you weak. You stumble around the room pressing your hands on your ears. Talk loudly about how awful the sound is, how it's making you feel weak, and how you can't block it out. Aggressively try to fight off the music as it makes you tired while making struggling and orgasm noises. You panic trying to use your cell phone as you get more and more tired. You manage to use the phone but struggle to stay awake as your words get fragmented and your eyes slowly shut.