Unexpected Hiccups

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13 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
I haven't had the hiccups for quite a while, so I was a bit surprised when I got them. They started after drinking 2 cans of a carbonated beverage, one right after another. I apparently drank them way too fast!  My stomach feels so full, that I need to release the extra air. I start patting my chest to help myself burp. I burp a few times, before the hiccups start. I then find myself both hiccuping and burping, some right after another. Later it changes to only hiccups. Once they start, they do not stop!  Different Views: Mid-range in the beginning and then close up after the first 6 minutes. You might also enjoy: Hiccups After Eating Ice Cream Unexpected Hiccups Before Bedtime Kylie's 16 Minute Hiccups Kylie's Hiccups Night Time Hiccups Hiccups After Dinner Hiccups After Breakfast
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