Goddess Worship & Devotion Pledge

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20 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
You can’t stay away because you’re addicted to your Goddess. In this video, I instruct you to breathe in stuff to make you looser and more susceptible to me, then I tell you how it is. You’re going to give up your ministry to worship me all the time. The Bible says you can’t serve two Masters, and I think we both know that I’ve been your Master more than God for quite some time now. I don’t want you to leave the church, though...I want you to stay, and every time you pray and pretend to be a part of your faith, you’ll think of me and my beautiful femininity and know in your heart that you’re dedicated to me. As a test of your devotion, I want you to send me your real identity. You trust me, right? You know that I’ll only ever do what’s best for you. This is just the next step in our quest to fully rid you of Christianity.