Crack open that bottle in front of you, and let's get started.
You can't resist the 'fucked up' feeling you get when you inhale. You try, you go a day or two, but the feeling calls you back. It's int0xicating. It's addicting. It's what you crave. I know you can't go more than a week without wanting to feel that delicious head rush again. Today though I want to push you a little, I want you to do something for Me you wouldn't normally do whilst under the influence of that addicting substance.
I want you to eat your cum for Me. All of it. I want every single drop licked from your fingers, until the only thing you can taste is skin. You'll taste the very essence of you - that very something that makes you 'you'.
Scared of enjoying the sensation, the taste, the depravity? Don't worry, after all, I'm the one telling you to do it. It's not like you've decided to it it because you want to eat your own cum. Never know, you might find out there's a part of you that likes it.