I Tried To Resist! Office To Slut Transformation

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20 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
I'm an office worker, and a (shh) former stripper. Working in the office has me feeling a bit odd - tired, sore, and antsy. I go to you, a psychiatrist, to figure out what's going on. After you hear my symptoms, you think you know my diagnosis. Research suggests that some women simply have it in their nature to be provocative - to be overly sexual and slutty - and going against that nature causes the symptoms I'm having. I can't believe it! You decide to test out your theory. The research shows that exposing women like me to certain stimuli, like scents, can cause us to go into a slutty trance. Snapping your fingers brings us out of it. We try it out - twice. I fight it at first. But in the end, I realize and accept that it's in my nature to be a submissive slut.