Spending On Me Makes You Cum

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15 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
You love to spend your money on me. Buying my clips, tributing me, every time you click send you feel butterflies in you stomach. Well today I'm going to make you spend and jerk, your favorite activities. Look at the money in my beautiful hands, money from good boys like you that love to spend. Is it turning you on? To see how powerful I am, to watch me play with money, touch my body with it, tease you until you feel the urge to click send again. We're going to play a little game .. you're going to send until you hit a number that makes you cum. Start with 10$...then 20$,30$..Will your cock explode when you get to send that crisp 100$ bill?Let's see..We both know that you can't resist my face, my voice, my body...And seeing me play and tease with that money in my hands motivates you even more to send, makes your cock grow bigger and bigger. It's so fucking hot, it's so fucking exciting!
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