Custom : cosplay "Programmed spy"

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16 Minutes • 1080p
I wake up completely naked, heavily covered in oil with a pink vibrator hanging from my pussy. I wake up confused wondering where my spy team, when I notice the vibrator in my pussy I'm disgusted and mad but when I try to remove it I can’t then the mind control process starts and my eyes roll to the back of your head, you weakly squirm and occasionally spasm (pumping my oily boobs) trying to resist the mind control while and begging for help. In an instant I snap standing up and say “female subject assimilated” “must obey” and walk back and forth exactly like the example, staying completely quiet other than saying “programmed spy “ every once and while you then stop and spread my leg while holding a salute, the other hand playing with myself pussy you continue saying the mantra everyone once and while: “yes must obey “ and walk out of the room just like the example. Then I come back in a grey catsuit, blank empty smile I come in a walk around a little more saying “I am your drone” . Then I show off my body and ass in the latex, vibratior still on me. I finally say “yes I will get myself ready” and proceed to do haigures staying quiet, unresponsive. For brief moment I break from mind control all confused and scared you call for help but before I could finish my snap right back back into the mind control and stiff . Then crawl around , when I finally flip over and spread legs showing the vibtoir which play with my pussy as I'm quiet unresponsive and only saying “must obey must submit” . Finally I stand up and say ”yes drone will go in stand by mode". I quickly get up and walk over to the corner just like the example and hold the a salute. Complete transformation of me into the robot .