Lonely Loser Life

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9 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
When was the last time anyone invited you to go out with them? When was the last time someone ACTUALLY wanted you around them? Do you even remember a time when people were genuinely happy to see you? OF COURSE NOT because you are a lonley little loser with a loser life! You only have ME to look forward to! I am your only friend, but I am not really your friend. I am just the woman that takes your money and calls you a loser! You are nothing to me, but that just shows how meaningless your life really is! No one will stop you if you start cleaning out your savings or maxing out your cards, which is great for me, because I can take all of your money! You will just contribute to MY life and my success and all you get is the privilege of paying me and making my life better and to thank me for it! NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU!