Kaa's Triple Catch

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9 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
Kaa cannot believe his luck! He’s found not one, not two but three tasty girls wandering through his jungle! The scene opens with them already ensnared, all three coiled up by Kaa side by side, wiggling and moaning as he constricts them. They beg to be squeezed, used, fucked, and made into snake food for his pleasure. As things heat up they bounce in his coils, and they bounce into a blissful sleepy climax... He lulls them to rest squeezed tight in his coils. Then one by one, they open their eyes and stare directly into his gaze, becoming completely his as their eyes fill with his spirals, gazing mindlessly, ready to become happy, mindless ssssnacks for Kaa’s appetite.
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