Mummy And Sister Get Your Love Potion 30 Mins

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31 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
You are talking to your stpMum and stpSister (I play both roles in this video) and you are explaining that you are sad because you've never had a girlfriend before. We both try to comfort you and tell you that it will happen when the time is right and not to worry too much about it. We are the only women in your life and recently you've secretly been fantasising about both of us and so you decide to make a love potion. The next time you see me, your stpMum, I am completely in love with you and I shower you with kisses. Later, your stpSister comes not your room too and acts the same. Maybe the potion is beginning to work?! After a few days, your stpMum comes into your room and begs you to fuck her!!! "I have been going crazy recently and all I can think about is my sons cock inside of me!!" But you are a little scared now that it's finally happening and you decide to hide from her instead. That is when your stpSister finds you and she is even more pushy.. insisting that you touch her breasts. You can't believe how well the potion is working, but each day it seems to be getting stronger! Your stpMum bursts in and you finally decide to give in to her. She gets her huge milky breasts around your cock and gives you a titty fuck which feels incredible. Things progress and before you know it, your cock is inside of your stpMums pussy and she is bouncing on top of you. It feels better than you ever imagined. You make her cum and the potions effects are finally broken. Your cock is still raging hard and so you visit your stpSisters room instead. She gives you a very sloppy blowjob before wanting to be fucked hard too. You know that the potion will end when she cuts, you you cum inside of her first and then she cuts hard, breaking out of the spell. The video cuts to the next day where your stpMum serves you breakfast and asks if anything strange happened over the past week or so... oddly all of her memories have been wiped?? Your stpSister asks you the same question and you manage to shrug it off.. you can't wait to make a new, stronger batch of the potion for next time!! (30 minutes long)
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