Seducing your Wife

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6 Minutes • 1080p
Following everything I have told you about what your wife thinks about you, she has been beginning to confide in Me more and more, I make her feel safe She told me another secret the other day. She was hesitant to tell me, but My persuasion is too much for anyone. Guess what loser, she told me she fancies Me. Of course who wouldn't, but now I can even turn the straight wives of loser husbands gay for me, or maybe you were so useless that she lost faith in loser men and turned to the superior sex. She picked the perfect goddess as a replacement, you know that. Her lustful feelings for Me are obvious from her advances towards me. I have seduced your wife and it didn't take any effort, My beauty and personality are too much to resist, and your terrible bedroom skills and tiny penis are useless to that poor unfulfilled woman. I am here to save her, and remind you how you are worth nothing now, not even to your wife.
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