You are SO Worthless

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5 Minutes • 720p • Downloadable
Custom clip: In this video, you are wearing black open-toed high heels with your toenails painted blue, a black miniskirt, and a white t-shirt on. You are going to tell me how much value I have: none at all. I am the lowest thing in this world. You then tell me if you were to use the bathroom and take a shit, how it would have more value than I have. You then show me the bottom of your shoes, and tell me that the dirt on the bottom of your shoes has more value than I could ever have. The best thing I could do in life is d1e. I need to add you to my life insurance policy and remove my family or friends from my policy, then k1ll myself. You will take all the life insurance money and go shopping and not even care that I'm dead. Also not to worry, because after the funeral, you take my ashes and pour them into the toilet (after using it of course) then flushing me (Leroy) away with the rest of the worthless waste to be forgotten.