Your Wife, Her Ex, and You

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10 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
You know that Ex your wife always said not to worry about? Well you should have been worrying. If you were a real man and a real husband to your wife and knew how to please her then she wouldn't have had to run off to her Ex. Now that Ex is the one pleasing her, spending time with her, making her happy. They laugh at you and your crossdressing! While he is with her they make you do all of the whores in a little maid outfit. They sit around and laugh together about how pathetic that is! You have to do house chores while he fucks her. Maybe if you are lucky they will let you sit in the corner and watch, occasionally looking over at you while you're jerking off in women's clothes to laugh at you. if you had been a real man to her like her Ex is maybe this wouldn't have happened, but you can make the best of it.